- Breccia, E. 1905. La Necropoli di Sciatbi. Primo Rapporto Provvisorio, BSAA 8, 55-106.
First report on Evaristo Breccia’s excavations.
- Breccia, E. 1912. La Necropoli di Sciatbi. Catalogue general des Antiquités (Musée d'Alexandrie). Cairo (2 vols).
The monograph for the first systematic excavation for the area by Breccia (1904-10), including a comprehensive catalogue of finds. It also includes information for previous investigations in the area (See introduction, pages XI-XIII, footnote 1).
- Pagenstescher, R. 1919. Nekropolis. Untersuchungen über Gestalt und Entwicklung der alexandrinischen Grabanlagen und ihrer Malereien. Giesecke & Devrient, Leipzig 1919.
A milestone study for the Alexandrian Necropolis.
- Abd El-Fattah, A. 2015. Salvage Excavations at Alexandria: Topographical Notes, BSAA 49, 17-47.
For the rescue excavation to the east of the present-day precinct in the 1990s.
- Daszewski, W.A. and Abd El-Fatah, A. 1990. A Hellenistic painting from Alexandria with landscape elements. Akten des XIII . Internationalen Kongresses für klassische Archäologie , Berlin 1988. Mainz am Rein, 51-68.
For a vanished unique tomb stele uncovered in 1990s salvage excavation to the east of the present-day precinct.
- Schmidt, S. 2003. Grabreliefs im Griechisch-Römischen Museum von Alexandria. Berlin.
Updated study on the sculpted funerary stelai of Alexandria, including those of Shatby.
- Venit. M. S. 2002. The Monumental Tombs of Alexandria, the Theater of the Dead. Cambridge.
A more recent description of the site, including the complete list of references.
- Von Rummel, C. and Schmidt, S. 2019. Die frühhellenistische Nekropole von Alexandria-Shatby. Studien zur Antiken Stadt, 17. Wiesbaden.
The revisit of Hypogea B and C by Augsburg University (2010-2013).