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♦Alexandria and Hellenism in Northern Egypt

On Monday, May 9 2023, the new necropolis at Shatby opened its gates to the public, in the presence of many Egyptian and Greek officials. A new archaeological site was thus added to Alexandria's historical panorama.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Ghada Shalaby, SCA Secretary General Mostafa Waziry, Deputy Governor of Alexandria Jacqueline Azer, and Pope of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate for Alexandria and Africa Theodore II attended the opening ceremony, led by Professor Mona Haggag, President of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria, and Dr Kyriakos Savvopoulos, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.

On the occasion of the opening, and in honour of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria's 130th anniversary, an international conference was organized by the Society, with the collaboration of Bilbiotheca Alexandrina and the Centre d’Études Alexandrines, sponsored by the A.G. Leventis Foundation. The conference, which was dedicated to the memory of Professor Mostafa El-Abbadi, was well attended by scholars and students from all over the world, included papers by the Shatby Team (Mona Haggag and Husein Abd El-Aziz, Kyriakos Savvopoulos, Ibrahim El-Kholy, Basma Khalil, Mennat Allah Hassan, Aya Salem, Asmaa Abdullah, Athanasios Koutoupas, Nikolas Dimakis, and Dimitris Plantzos) as well as other scholars working on Egypt and the Ptolemaic heritage, including Emad Khalil, Roger Bagnall, Adam Lukaszewicz, Ingrid Laube, Aude Simony, Bob Bianchi, and Paul Edmund Stanwick. For the full programme of the conference, see here.

Following the Conference, the Society organized a three-day fieldtrip to Siwa, where conferees (including a group of archaeology students from Athens) were able to visit the Oracle of Ammon, the "Mountain of the Dead", and many more sites and museums.

♦Alexandrian Funerary Archaeology

A half-day study meeting on Alexandrian Funerary Archaeology was hosted in Athens, at the Library Auditorium of the School of Philosophy (National & Kapodistrian University), on Wednesday, 2 November 2022.

The meeting kicked off with welcome addresses by the Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Professor Meletios-Athanasios Dimopoulos, and the Dean of the School of Philosophy, Professor Achilleas Chaldaiakis. Papers offered included an introductory presentation (To Live and Die in Ptolemaic Alexandria: The Story so Far) by Professor Dimitrtis Plantzos, an opening lecture on Fusion of Egyptian-Greek art in the Alexandrian Tombs and the Creation of an Alexandrian (Ptolemaic) Style by Professor Mona Haggag, a paper on Funerary Architecture in Hellenistic Alexandria by Dr Kyriakos Savvopoulos, and a paper on Funerary Practices and Funerary Contexts in Alexandrian Archaeology by Professor Dimakis, followed by discussion. The meeting was well attended, mostly by students of the University of Athens, as well as distinguished members of the academic community at Athens.

♦Field workshop: Alexandria, 3-7 July 2022